Yes, You'll Have To Be Firm About It
(First, shout out to not using Chat GPT anymore to generate the content)
Yes, you’ll have to be firm and what might sometimes feels like borderline aggresive about time you need for yourself to rest.
I remember speaking to my therapist once about the guilt I felt for resting when I was actually tired. Throughout the conversation she helped me realize that a)that wasn’t my “voice” telling me that, and b) by holding my boundaries and honoring the moments when I need rest, are ways to keep showing up for myself.
While that all sounds good in theory, it is actually diffucult to apply. What and how do I not let someone persuade me to “hang out for just a little longer” or “but you get off work at 5PM you can make it”? Easy. Just say no. WITHOUT AN EXPLANTION! Thankfully, my therapist told me that I would experience sweating, tight feeling in my throat and chest, with a possibilty of running off at the mouth of explantions when I do this. From friends, family, lover, etc, it’s hard to tell people you adore and love no, but when you say no and mean it, you can actaully close your eyes, relax your shoulders, and rest! WORTH IT!
But if you need a list to help you with a script (I use it) BetterHelp has narrowed down some options for us. Find your favorite one and start gettnig uncomfortable. Please let me know how you said “no” and what rest were you able to have.