An Introduction To My "Why"
You know what, I’ve had this website for a while, 2019 I think, and it’s been through many changes, even an old domain name redirects to this new site. But it wasn’t until Winter 22-23 did I decide what my “message to the world” could look like. And it all really started when a very familiar feeling crept upon me, and I was able to notice that this feeling came around the same time, the year before, and usually I’d chalk it up to my body remembering traumatic experiences during that time (hello amygdala), but by now, I’ve done some “healing/work” that wouldn’t have me feeling like this, unprovoked, untriggered.
I remember seeing something online about S.A.D. and initially laughed because it spelled out the word “sad”. Then I read more about it through good ol Wikipedia and Mayo Clinic and accurately described what I had been experiencing. One thing about me is when researching or looking things up, I take things with a grain of salt, and do my best to try to use reasoning, and what makes sense and not just blindly accept something (we’re all scientists you know). So when I was able to identify with a description or label of what I was feeling, naming it didn’t help what I was feeling, I needed a change in how I felt. So, I started implementing some of the tips and strategies suggested and advised to help get through the “seasonal blues” to see if I could get through this really really suffocating deprecating weight on my energy, spirit, vibe, mo-jo, motivation, whatever you want to name it, feeling.
During this time of finally determining a path to take for my website, that I have been paying for and not fully utilizing, ChatGPT came along and CHANGED. THE. GAME. Are you telling me there is technology like this out here that can become so powerful in accumulating data and creating a presentation for explanation, or easier way of communicating a thought? Say. Less. I decided to curate important questions that I had for myself to help me get through winter and I used my blogs to help implement and remind myself of those things. And before you know it, I found myself moving through winter with much more ease and grace given to myself. I even found ways to enjoy the days when it rains and provide tips on that.
But here we are again, wanting to write and encourage others to move through winter as I was able to do last year, but this time without ChatGPT and more personalization. These will be my experiences coupled with suggestions that help us, using the basis of science, our bodies, nature, music, and other means because I believe that the more, we learn to move with the seasons, it aids in our ability to adapt to change. We might actually start looking forward to changing, while still being mindful and thankful for the present. Besides, if you don’t leave here with anything else, I hope you leave with a tad bit more awareness for your body, you know the system that is literally only trying to keep you alive.
But first, let’s deal with the thing called FREEZING, I mean Winter (as felt in the Northern Hemisphere).